Thoughts: 8.31.08

I just finished working out and boy, was it tough. I hadn’t done a real workout since Wednesday, so I half expected as much. I feel good now, though. If I don’t workout in more than 3 days my mood goes south pretty fast. Depression runs in my family [not just your average blues… melancholic, suicidal nastiness…], so exercise, for me, is like taking preventative medicine – without the toxic chemicals. I’ve read studies that show that even small amounts of exercise on a daily basis are as, or more effective than a daily dose of a common anti-depressant like Prozac or Zoloft. It really is amazing what a difference exercise makes. My husband noticed my mood change yesterday. I was tired, bored, unmotivated… nothing excited me [where normally it takes very little to make me happy – I’m generally an optimistic person], and the worst part of it is, everything SEEMS difficult, which makes starting anything – exercise included – difficult. 

One, good workout is all it takes to reset my brain and all is right in the world again.  =)

To read this great article on the correlation between exercise and depression, click here: Exercise Keeps Your Psyche Fit on

Image Credit: Artwork by Christos Magganas via